Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wildlife Photography Tips and Tricks – Tips for Photographing Animals

Wildlife photography is an act of taking photographs of wildlife. It is one of the challenging forms of photography. You need to have technical skills and knowledge of animal behavior so that you can approach the animals in their natural life setting. The equipment that are used by wildlife photographers can be basic equipment like simple lens cameras or specialist equipment like macro lens for insects, focus lens for birds and so forth.
Be familiar with your subjects:
Taking photo shots of animals, whether it is a rabbit or any feline, involves patience, persistence and understanding of animal behavior i.e. how they will act or react and anticipating the best moment for the best shot.  It depends on what you are going to portray about your images that what they say about animals. Because wildlife photography depicts the natural life style, so there should be life in the photographs. Finally, it comes to put gears in action by the blend of your knowledge of composition, lighting and angles to get the picture you want.

Show some Patience:
Taking the desired photos of animals require a great deal of patience because wildlife photography is like fishing. You have to be in the right place and you have to wait for long time to catch the best shot. For taking the ideal photos of birds, professional photographers even establish their camouflaged observatories in trees and wait until they reach at the perfect timing to catch the shot. Animals sometimes become uncooperative or defensive when they see you with your camera. Taking things step by step and keeping yourself calm and cool will help to relax the animals.

Your safety is more important than any picture:
No photo is worth exposing your life to dangers. There are lots of vulnerabilities in wildlife photography because it involves the direct contact with wild animals like wilder beasts, wild buffalos, bears and other predators. Be in your jeep when there is any bear or buffalo on the way. The reaction of wild animals is highly unpredictable even if they look so calm and composed, they can harm you or even they can kill in defense. Never follow any precarious predator in woods because you can’t take its picture in there. It will put you in nothing but more danger.

Rehearse in advance:
If you are going for wildlife photography for first time then it is good to practice in advance. Zoo is an ideal place to give you partial view of wilds. Here you can catch the similar kind of creatures. By studying their behavior, you will be able to know that what they will do when you provoke them in natural setting. If there isn’t any zoo nearby then you can go for farms. Just wet your feet in fields and get some photos of animals over there.
Finally, you can do some research on internet to find the suitable places for wildlife photography. Dig out the knowledge about the specific animals and their behaviors to arm you with sufficient knowledge to capture some action in the wilds. 

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