Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tips and Tricks for Plants Photography - How to Shoot Plants and Florals?

Plants Photography Tips and Techniques

Scientists define just two genres of living organisms exist on earth, first is animal and the other one is plant. Both of these two are solely related to nature. So, the maximum utility one can earn by capturing the moments when they are in their natural state. Beauty of plants photography is when a photographer captures the natural setting of plants in which they normally exist, like pale or yellow flowers of autumn season, breeze blowing leaves, rain in forest, tips of water on leaves and so on. These are the natural setting and no one can artificially arrange such sort of positions manually. So the essence of plant photography is strictly related with capturing nature in such type of attractive moments.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What is Landscape Photography? - Tips and Techniques

A landscape comprises of the visible and obvious features of any particular area of land. This also includes the physical features of the landforms like the deserted plants, ice-caped mountains, hills, rivers, water bodies, trees and valleys and the art of fusion of those elements in a beautiful and mind-blowing way. In other words landscape involves the aesthetic beauty of nature excluding people and animals. People and animals are not shown in landscape photographs, lest they are very small or made part of it to show the composition and scale.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wildlife Photography Tips and Tricks – Tips for Photographing Animals

Wildlife photography is an act of taking photographs of wildlife. It is one of the challenging forms of photography. You need to have technical skills and knowledge of animal behavior so that you can approach the animals in their natural life setting. The equipment that are used by wildlife photographers can be basic equipment like simple lens cameras or specialist equipment like macro lens for insects, focus lens for birds and so forth.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Top 10 photos of 2011 by National Geographic Magazine (NGM)

It’s too difficult to choose among great photographs when there are lots of superb and splendid photographs. Alignment, light and exposure are necessary to make any photograph a masterpiece. Here are ten photographs that cover diverse areas in annual magazine of National Geographic. These photographs are meant to be the best because of the touch of wizards of photography whose passion and skill made those photos “The Masterpieces”.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is Photography? - My perspective

Photography is a tri-syllable word which is derived from two Greek words i.e. "photo" means light and "graph" means drawing. So if we put it together then it will become "drawing with light" metaphorically.

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